Our Values

Our Values

As long-term investors, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of stewardship for our clients’ assets, and we have extended this ethos into all that we do.  Consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors not only drives our investment strategy but also our day to day operations. Therefore, we have aligned our firm with specific bodies who, we feel, not only best represent our values and the ethical standards we wish to uphold. These bodies and their goals are outlined below.

Certified B Corp

B Corps are companies that have met certain standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.  A key concept is to balance the needs of all stakeholders rather than prioritising shareholders. This means putting clients, employees, business partners, the community, and the environment at the heart of what we do.

The certification is given to organisations who achieve at least a minimum score against a set of social and environmental standards.  Since inception in 2006, around 4,000 companies have obtained B Corp designation around the world, including 700 in the UK.

A commitment to the environment and society is increasingly on everyone’s agenda, and we are delighted to be joining a handful of firms in the UK finance sector who have reached the required standard to gain this recognition.

Oakham Wealth Management Impact Report 2022

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The United Nations PRI

The UN Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) is the body leading the charge on responsible investment. The PRI’s aim is to better understand the implications of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors on the investment landscape, and to provide guidance to a growing number of international investor signatories.

Over the last few years, the number of institutions pledging to embed ESG into their investment decision making process has grown strongly.


The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association exists to bring together the UK’s sustainable finance and investment community and support our members to expand, enhance and promote this key sector. Our work drives growth and new opportunities for our members as global leaders in the sustainable finance industry.

UKSIF represents a diverse range of financial services firms committed to these aims, and 270+ members, managing over £10trn in assets under management (AUM), include investment managers, pension funds, banks, financial advisers, research providers, NGOs, among others.

UKSIF and its members have been hugely active in, and supportive of, efforts to promote the sustainable finance agenda and worked closely with policymakers and others to find new ways to overcome the barriers to the growth of sustainability and deliver progress towards decarbonisation of the economy.

The Terra Carta

The Sustainable Markets Initiative of the Terra Carta was launched at the World Economic Forum in 2020. The SMI seeks to build towards universal sustainability within markets through a gathering of a global ‘coalition of the willing’.

Through a 10-point action plan targeting platforms, prices, standards, nature, innovation, policies, solutions, systems, pathways and default settings, the initiative hopes to be the catalyst for a collective evolution towards a sustainable future.

The Better Business Act

Environmental issues have moved to the forefront of many aspects of everyday life. In the UK alone, 76% of households want businesses to become legally responsible for the impact which they have on the planet.

The Better Business Act seeks to lobby the UK government to amend Section 172 of the Companies Act. The aim is to harness the immense potential of entrepreneurs, innovators and enterprises to tackle the pressing issues of climate emergency and social inequality. Businesses will be held legally responsible for driving profits at the expense of workers, customers, communities and the environment.

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